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Instill Science / Coupled induction of prophage and virulence factors during tick transmission of the Lyme disease spirochete
January 17, 2023atif-khan
Coupled induction of prophage and virulence factors during tick transmission of the Lyme disease
RpoS Prophage lysis lysogeny decisions

The alternative sigma factor RpoS plays a central role in the critical hostadaptive response of the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. We previously identified bbd18 as a negative regulator of RpoS but could not inactivate bbd18 in wild-type spirochetes. In the current study we employed an inducible bbd18 gene to demonstrate the essential nature of BBD18 for viability of wild-type spirochetes in vitro and at a unique point in vivo. Transcriptomic analyses of BBD18-depleted cells demonstrated global induction of RpoSdependent genes prior to lysis, with the absolute requirement for BBD18, both in vitro and in vivo, circumvented by deletion of rpoS. The increased expression of plasmid prophage genes and the presence of phage particles in the
supernatants of lysing cultures indicate that RpoS regulates phage lysis lysogeny decisions. Through this work we identify a mechanistic link between endogenous prophages and the RpoS-dependent adaptive response of the Lyme disease spirochete.

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